Friday, October 26, 2007

Blah blah Blog

The blog that I have selected to write about is called “Hillary and war – I told you guys”. The Blogs URL is The blog was written by Joshua who offers no personal information at all on his Blog Profile. The one thing that we do know about Josh is that he is from the Elmwood area, and he has been contributing a blog a month to this site since February 2005. This blogger goes under the pseudonym Senator Joshua. Josh is just a citizen with an opinion, he is not a politician. This blog was created on 10/8/2007. It was created at 11:35 am.

The tone of this blog is aggressive towards politicians. Josh is saying that there are no qualified leaders left, and he is basically wishing we had one. Throughout the Blog he brings up old leaders that have made a difference for our country, in order to compare them to current leaders that are attempting to lead the country. Statements like the following express his attitude in how leaders have changed and become incapable of leading successfully. “FDR is a man who did some extraordinarily controversial things to protect our nation - some of which would have gotten him impeached had he been President today - but without leaders like Churchill and FDR, would we have been better off in the fight to stamp out the Nazis? Without talismans like these two men, I think we would have lost. At this point in time, we desperately need a talisman again! The question is, who will that be? I see no viable candidates.” All in all the tone of this blog is just a call for a real, smart, dedicated leader.

In my opinion Blogs are having and increasing affect on politics. Local and National political representatives should be using Blogs to gauge there audiences, and learn more about what the audiences needs and wants are. Often times the parties can use blogs as a method of feedback also. For example if citizens are unhappy with a new law or regulation that the city has passed, you are most assuredly going to find somebody blogging to complain. In this example representatives can simple take what the complaint is and dissect it to see if good points are presented that will apply to other citizens. Bloggers can effectively use blogs by making suggestions or criticisms publicly with hopes that the local representatives are smart enough to use this method of researching the audience. According to blogherald .com blogging is a process for energizing political tensions. This site argues that some local level representatives are still ignoring this form of public opinion, but will not continue to successfully operate in the future if they do not stop. As Blogs progress they will become more of an influence is the basis of this sites argument.

Another online resource agrees that political blogs are on a rise and gaining momentum and attention. According to locally-focused political blogs are steadily coming into their own, and their unique blend of passionate engagement, wry observation, on- and off-line community and freewheeling conversation are started to affect the dynamics of local political campaigns and issues. This site also argues that local government might not be extremely affected by blogs now, but it will in the future.

I agree with the opinions of both of these websites. I think while blogging is relatively new that it will not be too much of a dominating factor in politics. As time goes on Blogs influence will increase though both on the local and national level. Blogs should be a great resource for both local and national politicians because they represent the public opinion, and as blogs continue to become more popular, so will blogging about politics. My prediction is blogs will affect both local and national politics in the future, because people don’t only express their opinion about local politics, but about national ones too. Since the internet is not only nationwide, but world wide, politics will have know choice but to acknowledge blogs in the future.


Blogging and local level politics. Blogherald. Retreived 10/26/2007 from

Blogs and Local Politics. Personal democracy. Retreived 10/26.2007 from

Blog reference:


Stephanie said...

I think its a good idea for people to be able to post suggestions or complaints about something and have the politicians see it and hopefully do something about it. Good blog

sheldon9 said...

what did u think about the youtube teaming up with cnn discussion from class.. think it will have an influence?

RaChEl said...

your blog is very informative and has a lot of strong points. you did a really good job.